R100 BMW Gyrocopter

How many of us have been through the following? We purchase a KB2G gyroglider kit, assemble it and learn to fly it. After being towed…

Gyrocopter Engine Tuning Tips

What I want to give you is a reliable system of combustion chamber monitoring and power output. If gyrocopter engine tuning conjures up visions of…

Groen Brothers Hawk Gyroplane

DECEMBER 1991 – The Hawk Gyroplane has been under development for approximately five years and will ultimately be certified. The development effort has been relatively…

Amax Eagle Gyroplane Circa 1991

The 1991 model Hi-Tech Amax Eagle Gyroplane is now in production featuring a four stroke Subaru EA81 power plant fitted with the AMAX POLYCHAIN REDUCTION…

Naked Autogyro

The FAGOTTO CARPENTERIE, factory was born in 1961, since then – 10 years of innovation and production in the market of sport aircraft. From Carpenerie…